Transcending Loneliness by Knowing Your 'Soul Print Box' This is a raw transcript from this past week at One Communion: it speaks about what it means to be witnessed, and to witness each other...
The Innate Pleasure of Transformation"If you really get who you are, you get that your particular transformation is literally, not metaphorically, in direct line with all...
The Simple First Principle of Unique Self"Who are you? You are an irreducibly unique expression of the LoveIntelligence and LoveBeauty and LoveDesire, that is the initiating and...
The Emergence of Homo Amor - First Principles in Response to Existential Risk.There cannot be global coherence without First Principles. We cannot heal the global intimacy disorder without First Principles. We cannot a
Pride in the American Dream: Reaching for New Greatness"I want to hold with you today the greatness of America. America is not only a place, America is a dream. Let us hold that dream...
Prayer Is Shared Intimacy with the Personhood of Kosmos.Prayer is a very big deal, but it is not the old prayer. Prayer is not a dogma. Prayer Is Shared Intimacy with the Personhood of Kosmos.